Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's official. I am going to college next fall. I got accepted into Aquinas. I will spend the next four years of my life studying and majoring in Art to become a high school art teacher. I want to minor in History or something else like that. After getting my acceptance letter, all I could think was that my life was starting, it has officially begun and I am scared silly about it. But my mind set is this, that I have been through many obstacles, and beaten them....and what ever comes my way now, will be a peace of cake. I am a shy, dependent kid who is scared to do a lot of things. But college is something I think I need to overcome this. I feel like I will stumble and hit the wall, but I already have so it's not like my world will fall around me. The only thing that I pray for is that I am able to stay close to God and impact the lives of teenagers. I want to change the world, and that starts with young minds. I have so much optimism and hope for the kids I know, and I want to mentor and shape them. I am scared that I will run out of time. I am scared that I won't have enough time on this earth to greatly impact it, and to share my heart and faith. I do have confidence in myself that I will go places and do great things in what time I do have. God is good and I must remind myself this. When all else fails, there is a God who is loving, standing tall in the ruble as dust is settling on the broken structures considered chaos. He rises above it all, and is a clear view in the distance. This is what we all need to remind ourselves, because I think that sometimes we get too wrapped up in worrying. We just need to relax and let God take the reigns....right?


Kimburley Sue said...

CONGRATS!!!!! aquinas is great! you might run into brett little there! :) and you will do great at studying art!
you are positively adorable and i know that wherever life brings you, Jesus will always be seen in your heart and how you treat others <3

You should try to do a semester abroad somewhere! And don't feel bad if you have a rough semester or if you get really homesick.. its normal. You just have to decide whether those feelings are temporary or permanent and either tough them out or find the place where you feel God is calling you.

But, I have faith that Aquinas will do great things for you! I will be praying that its all that you hope it to be and that it provides you with the best spiritual, mental, physical, and intellectual education you can get :)

love you girly!

did you get my email?

Anonymous said...

YES!!! CONGRATS!!!! That is so awesome!!! Pretty much I had in mind to say what Kimmi already did, lol. Kimmi and I have both been through a few colleges, moving, and hitting walls, so seriously, if you feel like you need to talk, either of us would be more than happy to talk. I think that you will do great!! Anytime you need to talk, or maybe want me to come visit (I totally would love to!!) get a hold of me!!!